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Illiquid liabilities: A myth or a reality?

ByThomas Bulpitt, and Paul Fulcher
29 January 2019

Towards the end of 2018, EIOPA published a Request for Feedback paper asking the insurance industry for its views on a number of proposed approaches for assessing the liquidity (or otherwise) of insurance liabilities in order to inform EIOPA’s wider review of Solvency II that is due prior to 1 January 2021.

Milliman consultants Paul Fulcher and Thomas Bulpitt have written a white paper that considers each of these approaches, what this might mean for the future of Solvency II and also whether any insight can be gained that may prove useful to firms in the process of implementing IFRS 17, in particular, the process to derive the discount rate.

If you have any questions or comments or would like to discuss this topic further with Paul ([email protected]) or Thomas ([email protected]) then please do not hesitate to make contact.

Thomas Bulpitt

Paul Fulcher

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