Fabrice Taillieu
Equity Principal
Paris, FR
Fabrice is an actuary and leads the non-life practice in Milliman’s Paris office. He joined the firm in 2008.
Fabrice has 15 years of working experience as a non-life actuary.
Prior to joining Milliman, Fabrice worked for seven years as a manager and senior manager in the actuarial department of Deloitte in Paris (2002-2008), and for three years as an actuary in the non-life actuarial department of ZFS in Paris.
His experience includes:
- Review of deterministic and stochastic reserves of several non-life insurers and reinsurers, in the context of independent estimations and audit supports, in France, Southern and Eastern Europe, and North Africa. Extensive experience in motor liability reserves reviews for large players and expertise in specific related issues (e.g., impact of annuities and increase of cost of BI claims, FGAO reform).
- Mergers and acquisitions assignments for various players in Europe and Africa.
- Solvency II projects: Development and review of internal models, QIS studies (solo entities and groups), gap analyses on the three pillars, assistance in the choice of actuarial platforms, ORSA and use test.
- Predictive analytics.
- Pricing.
Fabrice speaks frequently at industry and professional meetings.
Professional Designations
- Member, French Association of Actuaries (IA)
- Diploma of statistics in ISUP (Paris)
Read their latest work
La couverture des risques agricoles au sein de la ferme France
25 May 2021 - by Victorien Poncelet, Fabrice Taillieu, Hugo d'Antin, Fabrice Balland
L’épisode de gel tardif particulièrement intense survenu début avril 2021 a engendré des dégâts importants aux cultures, touchant de nombreuses exploitations viticoles, arboricoles et céréalières sur 10 des 13 régions de France métropolitaine.
Towards covering operating losses?
06 July 2020 - by Eliott Pradat, Hinarii Pichevin, Fabrice Taillieu, Jean-Philippe Boisseau
The experience of COVID-19 will probably trigger a new system for covering operating losses in the event of a health crisis.
A European insurance leader works with Milliman to process raw telematics data and detect driving behaviour
31 May 2018 - by Rémi Bellina, Antoine Ly, Fabrice Taillieu
This article focusses on the future of motor insurance and telematics, providing feedback on some of the projects led by Milliman's analytics team.
The future of (individual) reserving
09 May 2017 - by Alexandre Boumezoued, Fabrice Taillieu
This white paper discusses the innovative opportunities offered by alternative individual reserving models and the main challenges with their implementation.
Assureurs, améliorez votre profitabilité nette en rationalisant vos cessions de réassurance
26 May 2015 - by Jean-Philippe Boisseau, Fabrice Taillieu, Stéphane Jasson
Un programme de cession, pour servir la stratégie de l’entreprise, doit être analysé régulièrement par une approche holistique modélisant tous les risques subis et cette analyse doit être menée sur l’ensemble du périmètre et non par branche ou segment.
QIS5 raises new challenges for insurers
31 January 2011 - by Jeff Courchene, Peter Franken, Fabrice Taillieu, Joël van der Vorst
Much work has been done in recent years in an effort to move to a principles-based framework, although there is still much to be done before Solvency II can be successfully implemented in 2013.
Executive summary of the Level 2 implementing measures
02 September 2010 - by Jeff Courchene, Fabrice Taillieu, Joël van der Vorst, Gary Wells, Thomas Guidon
Requirements after three waves of Consultation Papers and QIS5 final technical specifications.