Solvency II

Modelling a medical expenses portfolio
Using clinical data algorithms can transform the way health insurers predict and manage medical claims and help keep premiums affordable.
Non-Life Part VII Transfers: A Dwindling Trend?
We’re set to see in 2023 the fewest non-life Part VII transfers sanctioned by the UK since the early 2000s. What does the future hold for the strategy?

Use of real-world healthcare data to widen the evidence base
The availability of real-world data (RWD) and the recognition of its value are on the rise, both in the UK and overseas. This paper outlines some of the key considerations associated with using RWD to widen the evidence base used in economic evaluations.

Analysis of life insurers’ second set of Solvency and Financial Condition Reports: European and UK life insurers
This analysis of the European life insurance market covers 600 companies from 31 countries and one territory, representing approximately £612 billion (€691 billion) of Gross Written Premium and approximately £6,508 billion (€7,302 billion) of gross Technical Provisions.

Emerging risks in insurance: Climate change
This paper considers the current and developing regulation, in the UK and Europe, surrounding climate change-related risks, the risk identification and risk management practices available to insurers and examples of the key challenges faced by insurers in response to climate change.
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